Dulles Airport's Enduring Typeface
Issue 84 Vol. 9 June 2015 Pg. 87
An appreciation of Eero Saarinen's custom typeface for the international airport he designed for Washington, D.C. in 1958.
Airport to Watch: Carrasco International Airport
Issue 84 Vol. 9 June 2015 Pg. 113
An economic and architectural assessment of Rafael Viñoly's airport for Montevideo, Uruguay.
Q&A: David Bragdon
Issue 45 Vol. 5 July/Aug 2011 Pg. 62
Interview with David Bragdon, then Director of the plaNYC2030 New York City urban sustainability plan under Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Best Rail Hub Development: Denver Union Station
Issue 44 Vol. 5 June 2011 Pg. 101
Preview of Denver's multi-modal Union Station development by architecture firm SOM.
New York's East River Ferry
Issue 44 Vol. 5 June 2011 Pg. 102
What will happen when New York opens up the waters to a new subsidized river ferry transit network?